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Emile Henry

Emile Henry Baguette Linen

Emile Henry Baguette Linen

Regular price $249.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $249.00 NZD
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The secret to making crispy bread is how it is baked: at high humidity levels, carefully adjusted according to the volume of dough being baked. Emile Henry bread bakers recreate the conditions found in a traditional bread oven, at just the right level of humidity. They ensure your homemade bread comes out baked to perfection, light and airy inside, with a golden, crispy crust.


  • The lid creates the right level of humidity for baking delicious baguettes

  • The holes in the lid allow the carbon dioxide to escape during cooking, creating a thin, crispy crust so special to French baguettes

  • The ridges on the bottom prevent the loaf from sticking

  • Suitable for 3 cup flour recipe (Makes 3 x 34cm traditional thin French baguettes)

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